Where to Start?

Ah, the age-old question: "What gear should I start with when diving headfirst into the wonderful world of overlanding?" It's important to prioritize essential gear that will ensure your safety, comfort, and overall enjoyment. Here's a list of fundamental gear to begin with:

The Obvious Choice: A Vehicle: You know, something with wheels, an engine, and hopefully, a comfy seat, choose a capable and reliable vehicle, ideally suited for off-road travel. Ensure it's well-maintained and equipped for your intended adventures.

Navigation Tools: GPS device, maps, and compass to help you find your way, especially in remote areas without reliable cell service. Because taking the scenic route is great until you're lost in the middle of nowhere with no cell signal.

Recovery Gear: This includes items like recovery straps, a shovel, and traction boards to help if your vehicle gets stuck.

Communication: A reliable communication device, such as a two-way radio or GRMS radio.

Camping Gear: Basic camping equipment like a tent, sleeping bags, sleeping pads, and cooking gear (Start simple with a pot, pan, spatula, and a spork. You'll feel like a culinary genius in the great outdoors).

Camp Stove: You can't exactly whip up gourmet meals without one, unless your idea of cooking is roasting marshmallows over an open flame (not that there's anything wrong with that).

Cooler: Because, let's face it, ice-cold drinks and fresh food are like overlanding royalty. Your cooler is your throne, and your drinks are your loyal subjects.

Water and Food: Carry an adequate supply of non-perishable food items and clean drinking water, water is life, and life is a lot better when you're not dehydrated.

First Aid Kit: A well-stocked first aid kit is essential for addressing minor injuries or medical issues on the road. Because nature has a funny way of reminding you who's boss. A good first aid kit is like your personal wilderness medic.

Clothing: Dress appropriately for the weather and conditions. Layers work well for adapting to changing temperatures.

Tools and Spare Parts: Basic tools and spare parts for your vehicle, including a tire repair kit, for those moments when your rig decides it wants to play a game of "Breakdown Bingo."

Fire Starters: Grab some matches, a lighter, firewood and a fire starter, and voilà, you're the overlanding MacGyver, ready to conquer the wilderness with flames and marshmallows.

Flashlights and Headlamps: Ensure you have sufficient lighting for night activities and emergencies. Headlamps are your best friend. They're like little fireflies that help you find your way in the dark, and they make you look mysterious and adventurous.

Personal Items: Don't forget personal items like toiletries, medications, and any other essentials you may need.

Trash Bags and Leave-No-Trace Supplies: Carry trash bags to pack out your waste and follow leave-no-trace principles to protect the environment.

Emergency Kit: Include items like a multi-tool, fire extinguisher, and a basic repair kit.

Respect Local Regulations: Research and comply with any specific regulations or permits required for the areas you plan to visit.

Remember, starting with the basics and adding gear as you go is perfectly fine. Overlanding is about the experience, the laughter, and the memories, not just the gear. Remember that your gear selection should match your trip's duration, location, and anticipated conditions. As you gain experience, you can fine-tune your gear list based on your preferences and needs. Additionally, always prioritize safety and be prepared for unexpected situations when overlanding.


leave no trace


How to Start!